Trang chủ - Game bắn cá đổi thưởng

Xuất bản sách/bài báo

Xuất bản sách/bài báo

  1. Tôn Quang Cường (Chủ biên), Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Bích, Phạm Kim Chung. Giáo trình lý luận và công nghệ dạy học. NXB ĐHQGHN, 2019
  2. Sovik Paul, R.S.S.Nehru, Ton Quang Cuong. Digital Education for the 21st Century: Technologies and Protocols. CRC Group, Taylor&Francis Group, 2021.
  3. Yen, N. T. L., Cuong, T. Q., & Chung, P. K. (2020). The Flipped Classroom: From the Transformative TPACK-XL Model to Practice. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 31(4), 177-194.
  4. Cuong, T. Q., Chung, P. K., & Yen, N. T. L. (2021). The Potential of App Using for Interactive Smart Learning Environments. In Digital Education for the 21st Century (pp. 1-19). CRC Group Taylor & Francis.
  5. Cuong, T. Q., Chung, P. K., Yen, N. T. L., & Phuong, L. T. (2020). Incorporating Digital “Teach-nology” and Mobile Learning Application in Teacher Education in VNU, Hanoi. In Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2019), Istanbul, Turkey, October 30-31, 2019 1 (pp. 158-166). Springer International Publishing.
  6. Cuong, T. Q., Chung, P. K., Yen, N. T. L., & Phuong, L. T. (2020). Incorporating Digital “Teach-nology” and Mobile Learning Application in Teacher Education in VNU, Hanoi. In Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2019), Istanbul, Turkey, October 30-31, 2019 1 (pp. 158-166). Springer International Publishing.
  7. Huong, B. T. T., Van Cong, T., Cuong, T. Q., & Nguyen, N. D. (2021). Smart schedule: Training management approach in the digital education era. In Digital Education for the 21st Century (pp. 283-305). Apple Academic Press.
  8. Huyen, N. T., & Huong, B. T. T. (2021). Smart Schedule Design for Blended Learning in VNU—University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam Based on LMS Moodle Online Portal. In Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2020) (pp. 259-268). Springer International Publishing.
  9. Nguyen, TKS, Bui, TTH, Chu, CT, Pham, TA, & Nguyen, QT (2021). Các ứng dụng của Học máy trong Nghiên cứu Khoa học Giáo dục. Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN: Nghiên cứu Giáo dục, 37 (4).
  10. Suseendran, G., Doss, S., Pal, S., Dey, N., & Quang Cuong, T. (2021). An Approach on Data Visualization and Data Mining with Regression Analysis. In Proceedings of First International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science: ICMMCS 2020 (pp. 649-660). Springer Singapore.
  11. Vinh, T. D. (2022, June). Design and Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Digital Pedagogy. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science: ICMMCS 2021 (pp. 347-360). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore
  12. Vu, V. V., Yoon, B., Le, C., Do, H. Q., Nguyen, H. M., Tran, C., ... & Duong, T. D. (2022, February). Active learning for density peak clustering. In 2022 24th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (pp. 442-446). IEEE.
  13. Yen, N. T. L., Cuong, T. Q., Phuong, L. T., & Chung, P. K. (2021). The Conceptual Framework for VR/AR Application in Mobile Learning Environment. In Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2020) (pp. 207-217). Springer International Publishing.
  14. Pham Thi Hai Yen, Ton Quang Cuong (2023): Mobile learning integration into teaching kinematic topic in English in Vietnam high school, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science, Springer Singapore
  15. Nguyen Hoang Vu, Ta Duy Phuong, Tran Le Thuy, Ton Quang Cuong (2023): GeoGebra-assisted Teaching of Rotation in Geometric Problem Solving, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science, Springer Singapore
  16. Nehru, R. S. S., Cuong, T. Q., Prakash, A. R., & Huong, B. T. T. (2023). Higher Education: AI Applications for Blockchain-Based IoT Technology and Networks. In AI Models for Blockchain-Based Intelligent Networks in IoT Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 261-283). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  17. Vu, V. V., Yoon, B., Pham, D. L., Do, H. Q., Nguyen, H. M., Dao, T. C., ... & Vu, V. T. (2023, February). Density peak clustering evaluation. In 2023 25th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (pp. 126-129). IEEE.
  18. Tran Doan Vinh (2022): Some orientations to build a student management data set based on machine learning technology to predict factors affecting learning outcomes. , Proceedings of 2nd Hanoi Forum on Pedagogical and Educational Science (HaFPES)
  19. Nguyễn Đức Can (2023): Ứng dụng công nghệ số hóa di tích lịch sử trong tổ chức dạy học tác phẩm truyền thuyết dân gian; Tạp chí Quản lý GD, N05, May 2003
  20. Pham, H. T., Vu, T. C., Nguyen, L. T., Vu, N. T. T., Nguyen, T. C., Pham, H. H. T., ... & Ngo, C. H. (2023). Professional development for science teachers: A bibliometric analysis from 2001 to 2021. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(5), em2260.
  21. Nguyen, T. L., Tran, N. T. B., & Nguyen, N. M. P. (2022). Proposed Modeling of Online Exam-Proctoring: The Case of University of Education (VNU-UED). VNU Journal of Science: Education Research.
  22. Vũ Cẩm Tú, Nguyễn Tùng Lâm, Đặng Thanh Huyền (2022); Thiết kế học liệu số hỗ trợ tổ chức hoạt động trải nghiệm cho học sinh tiểu học bằng EON-XR; Tạp chí giáo dục; Tập 22, Số đặc biệt 9, Tháng 10/2022
  23.  Nguyen Tung Lam (2023): Open Education Resources (OER) in pre-service teacher training programs toward Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), Spring Institute of Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research Spring 2023, Vol.3.No.1
  24.  Phan, T. T. T., Vu, C. T., Doan, P. T. T., Luong, D. H., Bui, T. P., Le, T. H., & Nguyen, D. H. (2022). Two decades of studies on learning management systems in higher education: A bibliometric analysis with Scopus database 2000-2020. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 19(3), 09.
  25. Dang Minh Tuan, Nguyen Duc Nguyen (2023): Fostering Teaching Competencies in STEM Education for Preservice Natural Sciences Teachers, Spring Institute of Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research Spring 2023, Vol.3.No.1
  26. Nguyễn Thị Giang (2022) Đề xuất một số biện pháp phát triển "năng lực số" cho đội ngũ giáo viên trong bối cảnh Cách mạng 4.0, Tạp chí Giáo dục, Số 19, tháng 10 năm 2022

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